FreepiK Sometimes people have worldviews anchored in ancient ways of doing things that have long been abandoned. Such people latch onto a particular approach to life, archaic leadership style and business and they refuse to embrace or adapt to any form of change. They are caught in the past, disconnected from the Present and oblivious of the future. This type of frozen fools, if given them leadership roles or position, they would cause leadership crises, economic death In the face of monumental shifts, we need leaders who are appraised with the NOW, not those who are frozen in time or hanging onto old ways in the face of digital age. We don't need people who just shout Tsoo-Boi. We need leaders who can put in actions that suit the NOW, and at the end help build TODAY as TOMORROW. Give CHANCES to the Future generations. Leave mark that even in the future, it will be fresh in the mind of those who never met YOU. For instant we can feel Dr. Kwame Nkrumah the first President of the re...