Whatever you do, you need courage with positive thoughts or minded. Remember, Peace has it victories. Dont be discontent. Discontentment may not sound like a big deal on the surface. But it’s a subtle sin leading us to desire more or something different, yet it leaves us lacking and empty-handed in the end.

So, my known or unknown good friend, you have to fight for contentment.

It's possible you can be content in whatever space you found yourself.

The state of happiness and satisfaction is contentment but I am not  saying you should be stagnant at where you found yourself but be persistence in your pursuit.

Being contented is not as far as successful but is the realization of how far you reach or how much you already have going forwards.

Is not clinging to empty cliches and false promises.

Contentment is not never  planning or looking to the future or the sky for a manna.

In all this, persistent is key to a better life.

In your fight for contentment, God will empower you to obtain this mysterious and elusive virtue. It’s not something beyond your reach. In the words of the Apostle Paul, “I can do all thing through him who strengthens me” he said in Phil. 4:13.

Be a hardwired not to be compromised for bad decisions.

And with discontentment success will become ever more elusive. Just be content and work hard towards your visions in life. I may not be able to convinced you, but contentment is more than just being happy with who you are and what you have. It keeps you focused.

Contentment is rooted in God’s love for you. It's learning to be satisfied wholly in Christ/Allah regardless either you have a little or a lot of money.


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