2022 Resolution

No matter what your new year resolution is, the TYPE  of PEOPLE in your LIFE has a lot to do in your JOURNY of life. Never start a new year without screening the people in your circles. Evaluating them will let you know who to Upgrade, Downgrade or totally Terminate. 

Always remember not everybody deserves the front seat to participate in the movie of your life.

If you believe, Pruning stimulate growth, then clip and weed all negative energy around you (garden) and those Anchors (humans) that prevents your progress.

 Anyone who is not adding any value to your life shouldn't be.

But try your possible best to evaluate and encourage the fellow first.

William Ward once said "There are three keys to more abundant living: caring about others, daring for others and sharing with others" 

Let's assign ourself the purpose of making others happy and successful.  Not the Pull Him Down 'PHD' syndrome.

Let's encourage, Inspire and  push people to become best at what they do and what to be, because people have a way of becoming what you encourage them to be.

Do this!! "If you cannot win, make the one ahead of you break the record" —Jan McKeithen

If you are capable of helping people, Do!. Invest in others. It PAYS great dividends


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