Yesterday was my Dad's 65th birthday and Ghana's 65th Independence celebrations.

Dear Dad, Happy birthday and Keep Resting In the Lord till we meet again.

As I said earlier, yesterday was also 65th Anniversary of Ghana's Independent day. However, I think it's time we rededicates and reflects vehemently on how we're managing the affairs and the resources of this country and how far we have come. Not just chanting 'Happy 65th Independence day.

The question is; How is it's citizens fairing?, How is their conditions of living? Are we making progress as a country?, How is our Educational, Security, Health, Legal and Agriculture system?

These areas mentioned are key to review as we marked 65th Anniversary, in my humble opinion.

Despite the verient effort been made by some of our hardworking officials or leaders, I still believe that there's a lot of canker in the system pulling us back from where we supposed to be at this age (65years).

It's time our leaders do away with partisanship, eschew corruption and focus on developing our country.

There's no equity in the system talkless of equality which is hindering the development and the progress of our dear Nation.

Our forefathers who fought for this country didn't visioned the slow-pace we are heading towards.

Even though we can boast of a few success in our time.

The 'Who You Know' or 'Who knows U' syndrome is legendary denying the qualified ones from employment and so on.There's a lot of hatred in the system because of the 'winner takes all syndrome'

There's no more a communal Spirit, everything now is centered on partisanship.

Our forefathers fought in unison with one vision and intention hence today has been a memorial day, even though research has it there were conflict of interest or ideology.

But at the end of the struggle they made it, people shared their blood and to conceived this memorable day and age we are celebrating today.

The question is what are we adding up to what our fore bearers had for us?

And God also on his throne blessed our Homeland Ghana and makes us worthy ,great and strong. We have most of the natural resources if not all.

The question is, how are we using them?

We the youth too are great, gifted, strong, educated, talented but section of us has been denied our rightful position or place to contribute to the development of our dear Nation.

That has made a lot of youth (our brothers and sisters) travel abroad for greener pastures.

As today marks another 65th anniversary of our nation; —may we reflect, revisit the dreams and aspirations of our forebearers.

Let's us rededicated ourselves to building a better Ghana. Let rededicated ourselves to the principles of our forebearers—that principles of Fearless, honesty, probity and accountability, spirit of development etc

May we sit at the table to rekindle that communal Spirit of developing our dear Nation.

To truly developed this country, we must use the bottom style approach;—Development must commence from our communities (villages) to the top.

People in helms of affairs must encourage youth-led entrepreneurship  and infrastructural development by investing in holistic quality rural, township, community development.

To archive this we must all get involved as portion of our National Anthem says.

People of Ghana! we must unite to developed our country. In the words of Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah, once advices— "The forces that unite us are intrinsic and greater than the superimposed influences that keep us apart.” – Africa Must Unite, 1963.

Yes! Ghana must unite, we can't afford to lose and shame our fore bearer who fought so hard for us.

I agreed entirely with our President H.E  President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo Where he once called on us where he said, "I ask you to be citizens; not a spectator's; citizens, not subjects; responsible citizens building your communities and our Nation. Let us work until the work is done"

A lot of time because of the hardship in our system coupled with hatred, we most time criticized without given solutions to what we criticising.

At this age of our dear country's Independence celebration we must reframe from that act and when we do criticized, we must equally give or add solutions.

Now, as Ghana@65; —We must all in unison be concerned about our education, climate change, environmental sustainability, corruption, government accountability, unemployment, and lack of economic opportunity among others.

—Our leaders must focus on our educational sector, If we want to genuinely catalyze a shift to future-oriented teaching, we need to be equipping our teachers with strategies to practice and promote wellbeing on a daily basis.Our teachers needs must be our first priority because the future of the next generation is dependent on them.These experts should be paid well as one’s lifestyle and everyday life reflects their mood and attitude. You cannot expect someone living on the minimum wage to Inspire, Educate and mentor your children.

As we endeavor to provide infrastructure to eradicate schools under trees, Science, Technology and inclusive innovation through education, must be a national agenda and our leaders must commit to the prioritization of the health and wellbeing agenda of every woman, every child and every adolescent everywhere. 

We must design a program where our teachers ensure student understands the constitution and it's relative laws.

—Our security sector must also be an area of concern. Equipping them with modern day gadgets and consistent training, improving their wages, this will go alongway to foster safety at home, schools, workplace, and the community at large as there's growing concern of robbery, harrasment and crime in part of our communities(—insecurity)

The protection of human rights of all citizens and non-nationals would be at the heart of development and progress when our security sector is well equipped with the necessary needs.

—Socioeconomic; our leaders must invest in the socioeconomic empowerment and political representation, participation, leadership, involvement and meaningful engagement of all young people and women devoid of partisanship.

Let not forget that the biggest enemy of this country is corruption and partisanship. Let think of this and fight it.

Let's stop charting good words for our personal interest. Let's practice a group interest as a country because self interest is breed Corruption.

May today mark the starting point in our country to build a stronger trade economy through existing union networks to empower individuals through opportunity devoid of partisanship.

May the good Lord strengthens us more. May he keep blessing our homeland Ghana and making us stronger in all our endeavors.

May we rededicate ourselves to the spirit of service to our nation Ghana. Yes we can!

May God opens the eyes of our leaders to see beyond party colors to build resilient Nation for all.

Long live Ghana

Long live good people of Ghana.


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