
OCCUPY JUBILEE HOUSE PROTEST: A Wake-Up Call for the Ruling Class

In the past three days, Ghana has witnessed a wave of intense anti-government protests dabbed #OCCUPYJULORBIHOUSE that should serve as a resounding wake-up call to the ruling class . It has become increasingly evident that the powers that be are turning a blind eye to the grievances simmering on the streets. The issues at hand are pressing, and their consequences are already being felt throughout the nation.  Unemployment, like an unchecked wildfire, is spreading rampantly among our youth. The economic toll of this crisis is suffocating, stifling dreams and aspirations. It's disheartening to observe that our leaders seem indifferent to the fact that unemployment is not just an economic problem but also a significant security threat. Teenage pregnancy rates are on the rise, further highlighting the social issues plaguing our society. Partisanship has become the dominant force, overshadowing genuine public interest. It leaves one questioning the very essence of leadership in our de...


FreepiK Sometimes people have worldviews anchored in ancient ways of doing things that have long been abandoned. Such people latch onto a particular approach to life, archaic leadership style and business and they refuse to embrace or adapt to any form of change. They are caught in the past, disconnected from the Present and oblivious of the future. This type of frozen fools, if given them leadership roles or position, they would cause leadership crises, economic death In the face of monumental shifts, we need leaders who are appraised with the NOW, not those who are frozen in time or hanging onto old ways in the face of digital age. We don't need people who just shout Tsoo-Boi. We need leaders who can  put in actions that suit the NOW, and at the end help build TODAY as TOMORROW. Give CHANCES to the Future generations. Leave mark that even in the future, it will be fresh in the mind of those who never met YOU. For instant we can feel Dr. Kwame Nkrumah the first President of the re...


  Kindness as it is, is key to  peace building and Progressions. Do you remember the last time you were kind to someone? Even your veryself? First of all, what is kindness —the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate towards others. And KINDNESS in all things, has a positive impact on yourself as well. Everybody can use a little bit of kindness in their life, most especially in thier workplace, communities, associations etc. because kindness enhanced development, unity, peace and understanding. Myrah Abrar said, "Kindness is a Harbinger of Hope." Your one small act of kindness can be life-changing for another person. Kindness brings hope to people’s lives and can motivates them to live on and succeed. Scientists have even found that kind acts trigger the production of happy hormones such as dopamine in the body. People who help others through their words, actions or money experience a deep satisfaction that brings a positive change in their lives, as well as the ...


Yesterday was my Dad's 65th birthday and Ghana's 65th Independence celebrations. Dear Dad, Happy birthday and Keep Resting In the Lord till we meet again . As I said earlier, yesterday was also 65th Anniversary of Ghana's Independent day. However, I think it's time we rededicates and reflects vehemently on how we're managing the affairs and the resources of this country and how far we have come. Not just chanting ' Happy 65th Independence day. The question is; How is it's citizens fairing?, How is their conditions of living? Are we making progress as a country?, How is our Educational, Security, Health, Legal and Agriculture system? These areas mentioned are key to review as we marked 65th Anniversary, in my humble opinion. Despite the verient effort been made by some of our hardworking officials or leaders, I still believe that there's a lot of canker in the system pulling us back from where we supposed to be at this age (65years). It's time our lea...


  In general, people who are considered to have good character often have traits like integrity, honesty, courage, loyalty, fortitude etc that one is associated with or known for;—brand. When you're feeling a deep appreciation for those who have made a difference in your life, more expecially God, more blessings flows on your ways. Gratitude conjure positive feelings whiles character brings out the virtues that promotes good behavior among society or community. Character and gratitude are the real pivots of all worthwhile success. It's both fixes our destiny. Therefore it is a must we posses a good habit which decides good character and with good character, we will automatically becomes grateful;—gratitude towards others In positive psychology research, gratitude is strongly and consistently associated with greater happiness. Gratitude helps people feel more positive emotions, relish good experiences, improve their health, deal with adversity, and build strong relationships. Ra...


  The legacy you left, the gap can't be filled. There's no more you physically, But you're not forgotten  There's no-one to occupy your space, creatively and unique as ease as you easily do it.  There's no-one to sit on your throne.  The crown is still on where it is.  No other heads can't probably wears it.  The gap and the record is unbreakable. Yes!  No doubt you're truly the The Boss Player.  Your meteoric rise to fame (journalism in Africa) is incontestable.  Komla Afeke Dumor  THE LEGACY YOU LEFT Rest Well Sir 

2022 Resolution

No matter what your new year resolution is, the TYPE  of PEOPLE in your LIFE has a lot to do in your JOURNY of life. Never start a new year without screening the people in your circles. Evaluating them will let you know who to Upgrade, Downgrade or totally Terminate.  Always remember not everybody deserves the front seat to participate in the movie of your life. If you believe, Pruning stimulate growth, then clip and weed all negative energy around you (garden) and those Anchors (humans) that prevents your progress.  Anyone who is not adding any value to your life shouldn't be. But try your possible best to evaluate and encourage the fellow first. William Ward once said "There are three keys to more abundant living: caring about others, daring for others and sharing with others"  Let's assign ourself the purpose of making others happy and successful.  Not the Pull Him Down 'PHD' syndrome. Let's encourage, Inspire and  push people to become best at what the...